Homemade No Cook Playdough
This is definitely one to save or print for later! Here is our fail-safe, no cook playdough recipe (for a big batch).
2 cups plain flour
1/2 cup table salt (rock or Himalayan also work and make a cool texture but are a little harder to dissolve)
2 Tbsp cream of tartar
2 Tbps oil (coconut smells the nicest)
1.5 cups boiling water
Few drops of lavender EO
Few spoons of powdered eco paint powder for colour (it makes beautiful pastel colours).
Mix dry ingredients (small person)
Add wet ingredients (big person - due to boiling water)
Let it sit for 5 mins
Scoop out and knead for 2 mins
Too sticky? Add a few sprinkles of flour and re-knead.
Too dry? Add a few drops of water and re-knead.
Eco paint powders make lovely pastel playdough
Natural confetti - crunch up dried leaves and florals or use our sea lavender
Cinnamon and vanilla for texture and smell
Italian herbs for pretend pizza dough